What Our Clients Say
Business Consulting, Coaching And Sales Management…

Bob has been invaluable to the preparation for fundraising and the early growth of our startup streaming platform, politix.tv. He helped us to set realistic goals, define and execute our mission, and helped us understand the importance of never losing sight of the bigger picture. His emphasis on user-directed development and long-term sustainability has improved our strategic planning, processes, and decision-making. More than all that, he’s someone we consider a trusted advisor, which says a lot about his character.
Beckton Peddy
Co-Founder And Coo, Politix.Tv

Bob excels in leadership roles. Heis very receptive, has very strong leadership skills, and welcomes collaboration. He is someone who will always give an honest opinion, without being critical or judgmental, and he is most effective at working outside of his comfort zone. Bob leads from the front to implement strategies, relying on his high-level selling skills and professionalism. Bob is a quick learner who strives to apply his experience and knowledge to motivate and ensure his clients grow their businesses.
Mike Edwards
Leadership And Development Expert

Bob's insights on IT best practices, management, and integration to make small businesses more competitive and profitable are exceptional. I have had the honor and benefit of applying his knowledge with my clients and prospects, and am glad to have Bob as a peer rather than a local competitor! If you are a business owner looking for IT services and expertise to get your infrastructure running and available, you better call Bob!
Mike Harvey
Technology Consultant For Private Equity Firms